Shore Legal Access

499 Idlewild Avenue
Easton, MD 21601
(410) 690-8128

Online InTake

Please complete the form below with your personal and legal details. All fields must be completed.
Please note, Shore Legal Access does NOT handle Criminal Cases.

After you hit the submit button, an Shore Legal Access representative will call you to complete the screening process to determine if you are eligible for services.

Step 1 Personal Information

* Required Fields.

Note: Please use your most reliable / most used email address.

Step 2 Legal Matter

   Please provide details. Limit 500 Characters.
Characters Left: 500

Enter mm/dd/yyyy

Please read the agreement below, confirm that you have read and understand the agreement and enter your name to electronically sign the agreement.


This is an agreement between you, Shore Legal Access (SLA), and the attorney assisting you. Please read each statement.

  1. Consultations: I understand and agree that, if I am provided with legal advice from an attorney through SLA, this consultation does not mean that the attorney will represent me in my case. SLA may only be able to provide a legal consultation to me. I understand that I will not be charged any fee for a legal consultation.
    If my case requires additional legal assistance, SLA staff will work with me to determine whether I am eligible for free legal representation through SLA or whether I need to hire a private attorney or seek other appropriate assistance.
  2. Representation: I understand and agree that SLA cannot guarantee that an attorney will represent me in my case, nor can SLA guarantee the outcome of my case. I understand that if an attorney does not accept my case, I will be responsible for representing myself or finding my own legal counsel.
    I understand that, if I am provided with an attorney through SLA, the attorney is only representing me in the specific legal matter in which I have requested services. I understand that the attorney is not representing me in any other legal matters that I have pending or may have in the future.
  3. Honesty: I do solemnly swear and affirm that the financial information and any other information I have provided to SLA and to my attorney are complete, true, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Should my financial situation change or improve during the time that I am represented through SLA, I agree to notify SLA and my attorney immediately. I understand that obtaining legal assistance by fraud, false statement, misrepresentation, failure to disclose, impersonation is considered a crime in Maryland. (MD Code, Human Services § 11-701)
  4. Confidentiality: I understand and agree that the issues and information I discuss with SLA and the attorney are considered confidential except that SLA staff and the attorney may discuss my case with each other, as well as resource partners that can provide additional help and assistance.
  5. Conflict of Interest: I understand that a conflict of interest could arise if SLA or the attorney has spoken with or advised another party involved with my case. I understand that if SLA or the attorney becomes aware that there is an unavoidable conflict of interest, I will be informed of the conflict, and in some circumstances may not be able to receive legal consultation or representation in my case. I understand and agree that SLA may have provided assistance in the past or may provide assistance in the future to parties with interests opposing my own.
  6. Respect and Cooperation: I understand and agree that I will be respectful to and cooperate with SLA staff, attorney(s), court personnel, as well as to the opposing party and their attorney(s). I understand that if I am disrespectful or uncooperative, SLA reserves the right to withdraw my application for services and/or terminate the legal consultation or representation provided by the attorney immediately.

If completed over the phone, I hereby authorize SLA staff to sign this affidavit electronically on my behalf.

I acknowledge that I am submitting information for intake and that additional documents and information will be required to complete my application for services.

I hereby confirm with my electronic signature my acceptance of the agreement.

Type your name to acknowledge the agreement.
2/8/2025 3:07:46 AM